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I woke up this morning pain free for the first time in weeks after GabrielNelson's sacred sound meditation. - Sherree B. Atlanta, GA
It is an honor to call GabrielNelson a mentor. From a gentle reminder of "Watch my words." to "Next time we meet, I want you to have your business cards.", his encouragement has opened a whole new chapter in my life.
- Roxane Conticello, Harmony Healing 108
The space you hold for others is powerful and so meaningful to me. I appreciate you. - Shannon S. Acworth, GA
If your soul is calling to pursue sound healing whether for yourself or to serve others, GabrielNelson Sears is whom you need to seek. - Patti Cosby, Serenity Sound, LLC , former student
GabrielNelson created a space for learning and playfulness that catered to my inner kid. I entered the training expecting to learn only techniques. I learned technique but also developed a connectedness with the singing bowls themselves. - Shwanna L., Atlanta, GA
What a deeply relaxing, soothing experience. By the next afternoon I felt willing and able to give voice to a relationship issue that had been on my mind for resistance was replaced with clarity and momentum! - Theresa B., Lithia Springs, GA
GabrielNelson's classes are well planned with important information and concepts as well as hands-on experiences. He is a gifted, caring, supportive teacher and practitioner. - Michelle O, Atlanta
The singing bowls are magnificent. I went into a state of deep and profound relaxation during the FaceTime distant Reiki sound session. When it was over I felt entirely renewed and filled with joy. I was aware of positive and calming surges of energy passing through my chakras and in particular a strong sense of healing and release in those areas which hold deep trauma from past serious injuries. - Alexandra A., Petaluma, CA
We took a Sacred Sound weekend seminar from GabrielNelson and absolutely loved it. It was well organized and taught us how to play the bowls with respect and holiness. We are looking forward to taking other classes from GabrielNelson. – Bruce I. & Mitchell Z, Atlanta, GA
The Trinity Center for Spiritual Living Sacred Sound Ensemble experienced an effortless and phenomenal debut thanks to the professional training and guidance of GabrielNelson. GabrielNelson empowered individuals to utilize their unique soulful intuition to awaken the Sacred Sound Artist within them. His accessible and uncomplicated training style of the various techniques for playing the crystal and metal bowls was greatly appreciated. We look forward to more Sacred Sound Training and Workshops led by GabrielNelson!" - Rev. Tony Crapolicchio, Founder & Pastor
Trinity Center for Spiritual Living
I am so grateful and blessed to have completed my advanced level sacred sound training with GabrielNelson. His sound direction on so many levels for me was...enlightening. - Christine O., TCSL Reiki Practitioner, Reflexologist, Sound Practitioner
Every meditation and prayer at the Praying Paws Service is beautifully orchestrated with sacred sound. GabrielNelson intuitively flows in synchronicity that transports the animals and people on a divine sound vibration journey. - Tammy Billups, Author, Holistic Healer for animals and people, Interfaith Minister.
I met GabrielNelson in December 2016 when he came to a healing circle I facilitated at Unity North Atlanta where he shared with me some difficult times that led to his move to Atlanta. Listening to him talk so openly and courageously I swear I felt like I was touched by an angel. GabrielNelson was surely on a spiritual journey and being guided by something bigger than even he realized. But he was listening!
A year to the day we met at my healing circle, GabrielNelson returned - not to receive - but to give healing with his music. It was such a beautiful night on so many levels with Divine guidance and synchronicity. It was the perfect way to end the year and ring in a new one: with the angelic music from a beautiful soul. It’s such a joy to experience his work and call him a colleague and a friend. – Mindy Strich, Certified Holistic Healing Practitioner and Life Coach
Always seek the advice of your personal health care provider prior to making any changes in your medication, nutritional supplementation, or exercise routines. Never disregard other professional medical or mental health care advice or delay in seeking treatment. Any information shared or presented on this website is NOT meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All of the services provided by the practitioner are intended for relaxation purposes only.
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Crafted in small batches. Infused with Reiki energy and prayers to the archangels. Charged on crystal grids!